Unique Sexual Practices
Cults that adopt or encourage sexual practices or beliefs that are widely considered unusual or immoral, including:
Antinomianism: The belief that members are morally permitted to engage in any sexual act (see the Antinomian tag)
Castration: An action by which the individual loses the use of their testes
Child Brides: Adults marrying or intending to marry children
Celibacy: Refraining from sexual activity
Experimentation: Practicing and analyzing various forms of sexual activity with the intention of adopting new sexual practices
Free Love: Sexual activity is not restricted to a spouse or single partner
Group Sex: Sexual acts involving more than two people at a time
Homosexual Requirements: Expecting members to engage in sexual relations with someone of the same gender
Necrophilia: Sexual interactions with a human corpse
Nudism: Refraining from wearing clothes
P'ikareum: The belief that a person can restore their purity through sexual intercourse with a religious leader.
Pedophilia: Engaging in or encouraging sexual interactions with children
Polyamory: sexual relationships with multiple partners
Polygamy: Having multiple spouses
Procreation: Discouraging birth control; Believing that sexual interactions must always have the intention of causing pregnancy
Prostitution: Engaging in sex acts in exchange for money or some other material compensation
Sex With Leader/Sex Lives Controlled by Leader: The leader has sex with the members, or has control over their sexual interactions
Spiritual Eroticism: Sexualized interactions with divine or transcendent beings, such as sexual fantasies about Jesus