The Body
A cult that caused the death of two children, believing it was the will of God
1982 - 2000
-Jacques Robidoux (member, believed God told him to let his son die)
After Roland Robidoux and his followers left the Worldwide Church of God to start their own church, they slowly developed more radical views and eventually rejected everything in the outside world, including medical treatment. By 1999, they disregarded the Bible for the sake of divine revelation and caused the death of two children, believing it was God's will. These deaths drew the attention of local authorities, who removed the children from the church and prosecuted the members responsible.
Religion: Christianity
Denomination: Armstrongism
Founder: Roland Robidoux
Founded: 1982
Ended: 2000
Size: 40
Location: Attleboro, Massachusetts, US
Other Names: The Body; Attleboro Sect; Robidoux Sect
Believed governments were a satanic system, as well as education and commerce/banking (source)
13 children were removed from the group by authorities (source)
Became a commune after there was a split in the church (source)
Founder Roland Robidoux was seen as an unquestionable direct pipeline to God (source)
Adopted the teachings of the book "Egypt of Zion", which asserts that governments, religions, education, science, the arts, medicine, and commerce/banking were all Satanic systems and demonized any contact with the outside world. As a result, the cult withdrew from any contact with the outside world (source)